
Examination & Promotion

1. An examination will be held at the of each term and no student wil bw allowed take the examimnation earlier orlater.Those absent from an examination withoutagrave cause will be considered as having failed; in case of illness a doctor's certificate should be produced.

2. Those who absent themselve in any subject shall be considered failed in that subject and shall not be awarded any position,and shall not be re-examimned.in case of illness a doctor's certificate should be produced.

3. Regularpreodical test will be conducted in addition to the term examinations.Marks obtained inall the tests and term examination will be taken into consideration for permotion.

4. A pupil shall be eligible to appear in the final Examination only if he/she has 85% opf the total attendance.

5. Anyone found indulging in any mairpractice during an examination is liable to be debaarred from further examinations.

6. Criteria for promotion after Final Examination shall be 45% of the aggregation marks obtained by the candidate in all the papers and examonation beside the interenal assessment made by the school.

7. Result decalred at the end of the year are fianl and will not be recosidered,nor will the answer paper be ahown.

8. Astudent whofials in two consecutive final examination will have to leave the school.

9. Those who seek admission in this school have to accept this scheme of promotion The decision of the school in the matter of promotion is final and irrecoverable.

10. While reviewing each report guardians are requsted to examine the home work dairy of the student. it will be helpfull in understanding as to why he has not come upto expectation.

11. Promotion to higher class depend upon

                         i) Regularty in attendence.

                         ii) Regularty and quality in of day oday participation in the class.

                        iii) Opinion of techers teaching in the calss.

                        iv) Written work and projects assigned by the subjects.

                        v) Average of the term examination.