
Course of Study

The school is affiliated to the Council for the Indian School Certificate Examination, New Delhi. The students are prepared for the Indian Certificate of Secondary Education Examination at the end of the class X.

Every Student is required to take:-

            1. English

            2. Punjabi

            3. Hindi

            4. Mathematics

            5. Science(Physics, Chemistry & Biology)

            6. History, Civics, Geography

            7. Computer, General Knowledge, Moral Science

            8. Physical Education

            9. Socially Useful Productive Work (S.U.P.W.) and Community Service.

The social awareness programme is an integral part of the school’s educational process and participation in it is compulsory. Refusal on the part of the student and parent to share the responsibility of the social dimension in education will make the student ineligible to continue in school. I.C.S.E. Pass Certificate will be awarded to candidates who attain the pass standard in English and four other subjects. But it is compulsory to secure a pass grade in S.U.P.W. and 75% of attendance.